Who We Are

About Us

Friendship Circle, a non-profit organization, provides essential programs and support to families of individuals with special needs. Our mission is to bring happiness and companionship to children and young adults by celebrating individuality. Join us in creating a community that heightens awareness, sensitivity, and a sense of responsibility.


Our Mission

The Friendship Circle exists to bring happiness and companionship to children and young adults with special needs by celebrating their individuality, as well as bringing energy, support, and peace of mind to their families. To do this, we focus on developing the values of altruism, compassion, and acceptance in our teen volunteers as we heighten community awareness and sensitivity and encourage a sense of responsibility and involvement.


How We See It

Everyone in this world has a unique purpose. When we focus on abilities instead of disabilities, those with special needs can be part of the strongest friendships and influence people in positive ways that others can’t. Unwavering acceptance, positive thinking, honesty, and commitment are just a few of the important lessons these individuals teach by example.


Every week, pairs of trained teenage volunteers visit children with special needs at home. These one- or two-hour visits go a long way to curing loneliness through board games, stories, music, and play.


The Friendship winter and summer camps for children with special needs offer a brief respite to parents and siblings, while providing campers with the time of their lives. Campers have a blast and gain new skills through songs, stories, crafts, and other activities.

Holiday Programs

Holidays are a time for family. The Friendship Circle’s innovative activities enable the whole family to participate, each at his or her own level. This educational and entertaining approach helps families to connect with their Jewish heritage and the Jewish community at large.

Children's Torah Circle

This program helps to teach children everything from gross motor and cognitive techniques to communication and language skills. Music, stories, arts and crafts, and socializing provide children with special needs varied ways to learn about their beautiful Jewish heritage.

Sports Night

Sports are a great way to build friendships, confidence, and physical health. Volunteers help kids to shoot hoops, kick goals, throw and catch under the watchful eyes of a professional instructor.

Sibling Support Programs

Siblings of children with special needs often need support for their emotions. Sibling support programs provide opportunities for brothers and sisters of children with special needs learn and share with their peers. Thanks to creative discussions and fun activities, siblings take home skills to face challenges in their own lives.

Life Skills

For a child with special needs, the “outside world” can seem overwhelmingly strange. Professionals along with teen volunteers help these children to become comfortable in, and able to take advantage of, public places. This helps them to become as self-sufficient as possible.


Volunteers, families, and friends of Friendship Circle show their solidarity and support through a sponsored walkathon. All funds support Friendship Circle programs.

Team Friendship

Run a marathon, bike across the country, or hike the Grand Canyon while showing the world that every individual deserves love, respect, and most importantly friendship. Team Friendship provides all the resources you need while you get active to raise funds for your local Friendship Circle chapter.

The Rebbe Our Inspiration

Lovingly known as “The Rebbe,” Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of blessed memory, had an unconditional love for people that knew no bounds. He made everyone feel that they belonged, that they were at home. With a warm smile that would heal every aching heart, the Rebbe was always there, offering counsel and blessings, comfort and hope, and even material help, as well.

The core of the Rebbe’s teachings is that none of us is complete unless all of us are included. It is this concept that motivates the Friendship Circle.

Our Team

Meet the People Behind Friendship Circle

The Friendship Circle wouldn’t be the incredible organization it is today without the dedication of our core team. These passionate individuals spearhead our mission, developing innovative programs and fostering a network of local chapters. 

Zalman and Toba Grossbaum

Zalman and Toba Grossbaum


Mendel Groner

Mendel Groner

Executive Director

Raizy Lew

Raizy Lew

Communications Manager

Kaylan Nelson

Kaylan Nelson

Friendship Circle Online AdminIstrator

Chanania Steinmetz

Chanania Steinmetz

Hike Coordinator

Yossi and Estie Marozov

Yossi and Estie Marozov


Leah Richler

Leah Richler


Elie Estrin

Elie Estrin


Sean Kevin Joya

Sean Kevin Joya

Web Developer / Designer

Moshe Cattan

Moshe Cattan

Bike4Friendship Long Distance Coordinator

Levi and Bassie Shemtov

Levi and Bassie Shemtov


Channah Benchimol

Channah Benchimol

Experience Coodrinator

Bracha Jurkowiz

Bracha Jurkowiz

Programming Coordinator / Friendship Circle Online

Shlomo Denburg

Shlomo Denburg


Nikki Werner

Nikki Werner



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Join us in building character, boosting confidence, and changing perspectives. Befriend a child with special needs today!